Rewarding Kids Kit

Join the countless families who have discovered for themselves how the simple, reusable, affordable and FUN job &chore flow charts and kits from Creative Changes can make all kinds of family and household chores, homework, school projects, and more, suddenly manageable and appealing, instead of discouraging and daunting.
Our kits and components are well thought-through and designed, right down to the step-by-step workbooks, and priced so reasonably that they’d be a bargain even if they weren’t reusable – components like Write-on Wipe-off Surfaces, wipe-off crayons and crayon holders, are just part of the Creative Changes philosophy, that everyday habits and practices should be as convenient and practical as possible.
Whether it’s school job charts or kids chore charts, children just naturally gravitate to the static-cling colorful self-adhering static-cling stickers and magnets that make accomplishing the routine seem creative and rewarding.
Write-on Wipe-off Surfaces, Static Cling Stickers
Chore Charts
Creative Changes Inc.: Our Motivational & Organizational Job Charts & Stickers for Kids actually transform WORK into PLAY!
--Attitudes aren't as positive as they could be?
--Kids don't want to help?
--Chores/homework not getting done?
Parents, rejoice (kids will celebrate too!) – because with the ingeniously simple yet astoundingly effective reusable chore charts and job charts available from Creative Changes, you can say goodbye to nagging your kids about tending to jobs, homework, and chores - and hello to getting tasks and projects done in record time – willingly, even enthusiastically!…Great for kids AND parents – great for the whole family!
Kids of all ages (teens and adults, too!) can benefit from the simple, appealing but comprehensive and thorough flow charts for tasks and projects - organization is methodically and intuitively achieved, through work charts, job cards, system cards, checklists, incentives and rewards, ideas for organizing bedrooms and more!
Teaching children responsibility and self-reliance has never been easier or more effective, and you’ll feel better as a parent just as your kids will feel happier and self-confident as they see themselves being more productive, and in less time since routinizing tasks as much as possible makes for speedier and more efficient use of resources.
Everyone in the household wins – attitudes improve, things get done, grades go up, the whole environment benefits.
Self-esteem comes from learning and achievement, and it’s almost never too soon to start teaching your children good values. Here’s a way that will make you AND your kids feel good – and it could easily be one of the best investments you ever made.
You'll Love the kits - FINALLY: A FEASIBLE, Fun and Effective Way to Teach Responsibility!
Don't let things slide another day-get yours NOW!
Not only do we Sell Reusable Job Charts and Reusable Stickers we also have Tear-Away Charts, Holiday Fun Book, Creative Party Ideas, & Travel Bingo.
To view our great range of products to help your family function at a higher, happier and more rewarding level, check out our full product line at
Order yours today, and start expecting results and smiles instead of delays and frowns!
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Create-A-Chart Kit

Child's Job Chart Kit

Creative Changes charts for children come with clear and complete instructions on creating flow charts for job duties.
Think of it: you need no longer dread the constant hovering – the perpetual asking and checking – probably even doing more than your share, just to get the thing done: Our high-quality reusable charts are convenient and practical, incorporating proven methodologies and techniques that really work to make children really enjoy tasks, jobs and chores that they used to avoid and dread.
SO EFFECTIVE, SO EASY TO USE: simply place the chart where it will be convenient and a frequent reminder for the child.